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File Created: 31-Mar-2016 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  05-Apr-2016 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name RIOANDA 15-16 Mining Division Vancouver
BCGS Map 092K053
Status Showing NTS Map 092K11W
Latitude 050º 35' 26'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 29' 26'' Northing 5607256
Easting 323716
Commodities Copper, Zinc, Silver Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Wrangell, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Rioanda 15-16 occurrence is located on the south facing slope of a hill between George Creek and the Loughborough Inlet, approximately 1.8 kilometres south-southeast of George Lake.

The area is underlain by a persistent band, greater than 12 kilometres long, of stratified metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Upper Triassic Quatsino and Karmutsen formations (Vancouver Group). The band trends northwest and separates Jurassic to Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex rock of two different compositions, diorite and granodiorite.

Locally, a north-northeast trending zone of fracture filling and replacement sulphide mineralization occurs near a quartz diorite contact with meta-sediments and meta-volcanic pendant rocks. The mineralization consists of sphalerite, chalcopyrite and molybdenite associated with variable amounts of pyrrhotite, magnetite and pyrite. Two chip samples (15619 and 15618) across the mineralized zone assayed 0.95 and 2.42 per cent copper and 1.0 and 1.95 per cent zinc with 17.1 and 18.8 grams per tonne silver over 3.0 metres and 1.35 metres, respectively (Property File - William M. Sharp [1969-01-20]: Report - Rioanda Cu-Zn-Mo Prospect, Loughborough Inlet).

The area was originally prospected and staked in 1964 as the Rioanda claims. Over the next two years, minor programs of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical sampling and a preliminary magnetometer survey were completed.

EMPR EXPL 1983-328
EMPR GEM 1974-209
EMPR PF (B.C. Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources (unknown): Claim Map - Rioanda, William M. Sharp (1967-01-01): Correspondence Between William M. Sharp and Pio Vogrig RE: Copper Showing in Loughborough Inlet, William M. Sharp (1967-01-01): Maps - Preliminary Geochemical Surveys and L&R Road Plan - Rioanda Showings, William M. Sharp (1967-10-01): Notes on Soil Sampling - Rioanda, J.R. Williams & Son Ltd. (1967-10-17): Certificate of Assay - 297023/024 - W.M. Sharp - Rioanda, Loughborough Inlet, William M. Sharp (1968-01-01): Field Maps - Magnetic Survey and Mapping, Rioanda Project, William M. Sharp (1968-04-01): Preliminary Magnetic Survey - Loughborough Inlet Cu-Zn Property, William M. Sharp (1968-04-01): Preliminary Geochemical Survey - Loughborough Inlet Cu-Zn Property, W.M. Sharp (1968-07-01): Sketch Map - Rioanda Discovery Section, W.M. Sharp (1968-08-01): Claim Map, Notes and Sketches - Rioanda Prospect, William M. Sharp (1968-10-29): Sketch Geology Map - Rioanda Discovery Zone, W.M. Sharp (1968-12-01): Geological and Geochemical Reconnaissance - Rioanda Cu-Zn-Mo Prospect, Bondar-Clegg & Company Ltd. (1968-12-13): Geochemical Lab Report - 28-273, 28-276 - W.M. Sharp - Rioanda, William M. Sharp (1969-01-20): Property Overview - Rioanda Cu-Zn-Mo Prospect, Loughborough Inlet B.C., William M. Sharp (1969-01-20): Report - Rioanda Cu-Zn-Mo Prospect, Loughborough Inlet)
GSC MAP 65A; 169A; 1386A
GSC OF 480